Are you a part of the Puppet Slam Network? Each month IBEX Puppetry & the Puppet Slam Network sends out an e-blast filled with information about upcoming Puppet Slams throughout the country. You can check out the latest edition here.
Kathy Fahey performs “Elizabeth Whitmore” with accompaniment by Jay Delisio at
June’s Puppet Slamwich! at Black Cherry Puppet Theater in Baltimore.
Underground puppet slams are popping up everywhere. They feature contemporary short-form puppet and object theater for adult audiences, often late at night in small venues, nightclubs and art spaces. Puppet Slams exist at the nexus of vaudeville, burlesque, and performance art through the intersection of experimental theater, art, music and dance as a viable alternative to the culturally homogenous digital mass media. Spearheaded by IBEX Puppetry, The Puppet Slam Network aims to catalogue, connect, support and raise awareness for the Puppet Slam Nation. The Puppet Slam Network fosters connections in the growing field of independently produced puppet slams, cabarets, and showcases, so that puppet artists know where they can perform, venues can find puppet artists, and audiences can enjoy this intimate, tactile and compelling form of entertainment. –