If you’re a current member of Puppeteers of America, you should have received the latest “Puppetry Journal” in your mailbox a few weeks ago. If not, please do contact our membership chair, Fred Thompson, at membership[at]puppeteers.org and we will be sure to resolve the issue right away. If you’re not a member of Puppeteers of America, might I suggest amending that, by joining or renewing today! Just visit membership.puppeteers.org. We’re even having a deal right now for new members. If you’re a new member, please check out our temporary UNIMA-USA and Puppeteers of America New Membership Incentives. If you’re renewing your membership, that’s great too! Please visit this page to renew your membership.
Need more incentives? Check out the awesome lineup in this puppetry journal:
Cover Story
2 Puppet Heap: Professional Puppet Building with a Sense of Play, by Steve Abrams
6 First Peek: Puppets on Film – An Interview with Cheryl Henson, by Leslie Strongwater
8 Disney Was Right! It’s a Small World After All, by Bob Brown
10 Monkey Mind Pirates – The World’s only Puppet-Rock-Yoga-Opera for Families in Search of Calm, by Shari Aronson
14 My Real Bali Experience, by Julia Ohm
16 BeeSting, by Lisa Aimee Sturz
19 Time For Dr. Orbius, by Rick Liljeblad • Introduction by Tom O’Lenick
22 A Humanitarian Mission for Puppets in Uganda, by Ronald Binion
29 Puppets, Music and Special Needs Teenage Boys, by Pat Coffie
30 PuppetFest Midwest 2011, by Peter and Debbie Lutzky Allen
12 “You Will Call Me Drog” by Sue Cowing
How I Got to Know “The Anti-Pinocchio of Middle School,” by Sue Cowing
4 Puppet Painting Tips for Hard Materials, by Tom McLaughlin
9 A Bob’s Eye View: Fifteen Minutes of Fame, by Bob Nathanson
24 Scene East, by Steve Abrams
25 At Large, by Paul Eide
27 Scene West, by Beth Fernandez
28 Scene Between, Puppet Slams, by Monica Leo
32 A Tribute to Providence’s Favorite TV Uncle Chet Dowling, by Kevin Butler
33 Tony Mata, by Bob Abdou
33 Balance Sheet for 2010
Statement of Ownership
34 PLAYBOARD, Edited by Fred Thompson