The National Puppet Festival deadline for performers, teachers and staff positions has been extended to May 31, 2012
We’ve heard from lots of people who lost track of time and forgot about the previous deadline. We want to get as many people involved as we can, because we care about everyone getting a chance to be part of Puppet Festival (r)Evolution, the next National Festival of the Puppeteers of America, to be held in the Philadelphia area in August 2013.
This deadline extension will enable you to take the extra time you need to plan how Puppet Festival(r)Evolution can be personally meaningful to you as a staff member, performer or teacher/workshop leader.
Applications are being accepted until May 31. Visit to apply, and for more information.
Please forward this information to everyone you can think of. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Puppeteers of America
TAKE ACTION! Join the (r)Evolution! We are currently taking applications from energetic people who want to shape the future of American puppetry while honoring our past. Take part as one or more of the following:
- Performer – apply now!
- Workshop Leader – apply now – Propose a class that could earn you enough to pay for your trip
- Volunteer – apply now for crew head position.
Keep up-to-date with Festival (r)Evolution!
Enjoy sneak peaks of the performance line-up, lecturers,Festival judges, and other special events on Facebook and Twitter!
Email: puppetfestival.r.