Spring 2012 Volume 63, No. 3
2 The Brave New World of Puppet Slams, by Paul Eide, from talks with Marsian De Lellis, and his interviews with slam artists
6 How to Host a Slam: a Users Guide to Get You Going, by Kat Pleviak, Mary Kate Rix, Tom Pleviak, and Joana Iwanicka
9 IBEX, INC. – Helping Puppet Dreams Take Flight, by Hannah Miller
16 Cannibal Island, by Michael Nelson
30 Puppetry, by Matt Sandbank
22 Puppet Homecoming, Northeast, Mid-Atlantic Regions
Puppet Jamboree, Southeast Region
Great Plains Puppet Train, Great Plains Region
Puppet Festival (r)Evolution, 2013 National P of A Festival
26 Redmoon Theatre’s “The Feast,” Reviewed by Fred Putz
28 Quest Theater Ensemble’s “Barnum,” Reviewed by Fred Putz
14 The Shadow Puppet Theatre of Malaysia, by Beth Osnes, Reviewed by Diane Rains
15 Making Puppets the Fairyland Way, by Randal J. Metz, Reviewed by Paul Eide
24 Howard Mitchell, by Jack Gebhardt
25 Rachel Ribas, by Eric Bass
25 Jeff Karsner
18 A Bob’s Eye View, by Bob Nathanson
19 Scene East, by Steve Abrams (with guest review by Nick Coppola)
20 Scene West, by Beth Fernandez
21 Scene Between, by Monica Leo