In a few weeks, the Membership Office will be mailing out renewal forms.
However, you have the option of renewing online now at:
It’s a quick and easy process that will save you and PofA time and money.
We hope that you will continue to enjoy the many benefits of being a member by renewing promptly. Your support is critical to the success of the organization – not just because of the revenue generated by your payment, but because the Puppeteers of America and the ART of Puppetry depends on the combined involvement of our whole membership.
For many, this is the organization that first introduced us to the wide and varied world of puppetry. Many of us were encouraged and supported in our efforts by older and more experienced puppeteers. That tradition continues today through our festivals, our guilds, our consultants and so much more.
Belonging to the Puppeteers of America ensures that you can, through the Puppetry Journal, or the PofA web site stay informed and connected to local and national puppetry events.
Belonging means that your membership renewals and your Annual Campaign gifts help support our festivals, publications and website, as well as day to day functioning of the organization. Your donations to the Rose Endowment fund or our Scholarship fundssupport new puppet projects and allow more people to attend festivals.
Belonging helps keep you involved whether it be a Guild meeting with a dozen or so puppeteers or a National or Regional Festival with hundreds involved. The important thing is that we meet and share the old and the new in an atmosphere of friendship and creativity. You are part of a community devoted to one of the oldest art forms and one of the most powerful forms of theatrical expression.
We hope that you will continue to participate by renewing your PofA membership.
Thank you.
Anna Vargas, President.