Happy 2012 to all of you from all of us here at Puppeteers of America. The new year is already looking to be filled with lots of excitement for the organization – particularly when it comes to our website! Lots of great things are in store. May your new year be filled with puppets galore!
The New American Puppet Theaters 2012 Calendars are here!
The NEW American Puppet Theater calendars are here!!!Featuring these Great American Theaters: Great Arizona Puppet Theater Tears of Joy Theatre Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre Denver Puppet Puppet Theater Eulenspiegel Puppet Theatre at the Owl Glass Puppetry Center Paul Mesner Puppets Center for Puppetry Arts Puppeteers of America Melchior Marionettes Pinocchio’s Marionette Theater Puppetry Arts […]
Membership Renewals… Yeah, I’m looking at you!
In case you haven’t heard, it’s membership renewal time folks! The fall is here, school has started, leaves will be making their descent from the trees, and puppeteers across North America, and the globe will be renewing their memberships to Puppeteers of America. “Why now?” you may ask… well, the membership year for the PofA […]
Membership Renewal – it’s time!
Dear Puppeteers and Puppet enthusiasts: It’s MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL TIME again. Seems like we only just renewed for this year. Time flies. This has been such a busy year for the Puppeteers of America. We are celebrating our 75th anniversary year, and held another amazing National Puppetry Festival in Atlanta. Guilds hosted events for our National Day […]
Did you attend the 2011 National Puppetry Festival in Atlanta?
If you were among the fortunate one who attended the great POA Festival in Atlanta this past July, Puppetry Journal Editor Paul Eide is inviting you to send some comments for the Puppetry Journal about the festival. Your favorite moments, workshops or shows… whatever you would like to say. If this was your first Puppeteers […]