Puppet Companies are an important part of the Puppeteers of America community. Spread across the country, they represent a variety of puppetry styles, techniques, and ideas. Company Membership is a mark of an organizations commitment to quality puppet theater. Member companies enjoy the benefits of the PofA network, PofA organization services as well as public visibility. Membership at the company level is a way to show support for the work PofA does for puppeteers and the performing arts community nation-wide. Do you want your puppet company to be a part of the growing list of Member Companies? Join or renew your company membership to Puppeteers of America today!
Great Arizona Puppet Theater
302 West Latham St
Phoenix, AZ 85003
602.262.2050 gazpuppets@aol.com
Buck Trout Entertainment
17328 Ventura Blvd #230
Encino, CA 91316
818.219.8890 bucktroutshow@gmail.com
Flights of Fancy Media Company
8048 Le Berthon Street
Sunland, CA 91040-2155
818.353.0975 fofstories@gmail.com
Los Angeles Guild of Puppetry
PO Box 501014
Los Angeles, CA 90050-1014
323.259.0400 contact@laguildofpuppetry.org
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
900 Expostition Blvd,
Los Angeles, CA 90007
213.763.3531 igustafson@nhm.org
Omnipresent Puppet Theatre
3809 Bianchi Way
Bakersfield, CA 93309
661.858.0831 omnipuppets@peoplepc.com
Puppet Studio
10903 Chandler Blvd
North Hollywood, CA 91601
818.506.7374 pup8stdo@aol.com
San Diego Guild of Puppetry, Inc.
1281 E Millan Street
Chula Vista, CA 91910
619.427.8088 sandiegopuppetry@gmail.com
Screen Novelties
360 Belmont Ave,
Los Angeles, CA 90026
323.655.2141 contact@screen-novelties.com
Swazzle Inc.
4525 San Fernando Rd, Ste A
Glendale, CA 91204
866.792.9953 puppetshows@swazzle.com
The Ghost Road Company
PO Box 2323
Culver City, CA 90230
310.281.8345 info@ghostroad.org
Tony Urbano Productions
11664 National Blvd #148
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Zackee’s Puppets
12843 Grimsley Ave
Poway, CA 92064
858.486.0425 Tcrook4@cox.net
Imagined Creations
PO Box 74571
Arvada, CO 80006
303.667.8548 corygilstrap@gmail.com
LMNO Puppets
336 Sanders Cir,
Erie, CO 80516
720.689.1208 matt@lmnopuppets.com
Rocky Mountain Puppets
10957 Bryant St
Westminster, CO 80234
303.469.4155 RockyMountainPuppets@gmail.com
Ballard Institute & Museum of Puppetry
One Royce Cir, Ste 1001B
Storrs, CT 06268
806.486.8585 emily.wicks@uconn.edu
Northeast Storytelling, Inc
16 Woodland Dr
Granby, CT 06035
866.448.7414 lanesdirector@gmail.com
Bits ‘N Pieces Puppet Theatre
12904 Tom Gallagher
Dover, FL 33527
813.659.0659 jbickel663@aol.com
Foam Fleece and Fur Puppet Company
2424 Grand Central Pkwy, Unit 9
Orlando, FL 32839
407.985.2418 doug@foamfleeceandfur.com
IBEX Puppetry Inc
PO Box 471382
Lake Monroe, FL 32747
Michelee Puppets
4420-A Parkway Commerce Blvd #A
Orlando, FL 32808-1008
407.898.7925 tracey@micheleepuppets.org
Center For Puppetry Arts
1404 Spring Street N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30309
404.873.3089 info@puppet.org
American Puppet Theater
172 Waltonian Terr
Fox Lake, IL 60020
773.208.7884 missemgreen@yahoo.com
Creventive Puppet Company
1650 Clay Court
Melrose Park, IL 60160
708.310.9595 info@creventivestudios.com
Environmental Encroachment
2137 W Chicago Ave #CH
Chicago, IL 60622
Paczolt Insurance Alliance
2215 Enterprise Dr, Ste 330
Westchester, IL 60154
no website listed now
708.579.3128 randy@paczolt.com
The Puppet Company Inc.
4019 N Drake Ave
Chicago, IL 60618
631.425.1089 widerman@aol.com
Peewinkles Puppet Studio
3608 Woodland Streams Ct
Greenwood, IN 46143
317.917.9454 peewinkleinfo@att.net
Steven’s Puppets
PO Box 394
Bristol, IN 46507
512.318.8760 dan@stevenpuppets.com
Betty Hill Dance
1132 15th St
West Des Moines, IA 50324
515.277.8333 debbie@bettyhilldance.com
Squallis Puppeteers
PO Box 4987
Louisville, KY 40204-0987
502.313.9942 squallispuppeteers@yahoo.com
Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers
PO Box 765
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
207.288.0169 frogtownpuppets@hotmail.com
Black Cherry Puppet Theatre
1115 Hollins St
Baltimore, MD 21223
410.752.7272 mlamason@blackcherry.org
Blue Sky Puppet Theatre
4301 Van Buren St
University Park, MD 20782
301.927.5599 drama711@aol.com
Puppet Therapy Institute Freedom Through Psychotherapy, LLC
10715 Charter Dr #270
Columbia, MD 21044
443.831.1948 jvizzini@puppettherapy.com
The Puppet Co.
7300 MacArthur Blvd
Glen Echo, MD 20812
202.234.6666 a.stevenbs@thepuppetco.org
Image Theater Company
68 Oakland St
Lowell, MA 01851
Rosalita’s Puppets
112 Hudson Street Apt #3
Somerville, MA 02144-2632
617.633.2832 pheodes@aol.com
Tanglewood Marionettes
108 Church Street
Ware, MA 01082-1231
413.277.9514 info@tanglewoodmarionettes.com
The Gottabees
75 Sedgwick St #2
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130-2885
617.817.2603 bonnie.d@comcast.net
Beyond Storytelling
1592 Redding Rd
Birmingham, MI 48009
24293 Telegraph Rd Ste 150
Southfield, MI 48033
313.961.7777 puppetart@hotmail.com
In The Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre
1500 E Lake St
Minneapolis, MN 55407
612.721.2535 info@hobt.org
Monkeybear’s Harmolodic Workshop
3836 Pillsbury Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55409
Woodland Puppets
4449 Xerxes Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55410-1418
612.929.1087 wayne@otisrabbit.com
Mississippi Puppetry Guild
PO Box 12123
Jackson, MS 39236
Just Puppets
7724 Brook Ln
Kansas City, MO 64139
816.499.2486 justpuppets42@gmail.com
Mesner Puppet Theater
1006 Linwood Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64109
816.756.3500 mike@mesnerpuppets.org
Playwright’s Platform
62 Heather Ct
Nashua, NH 3062
The Fantastical Puppetarium
4 Van Buren St
Nashua, NH 03060
603.233.4637 doozersworkshop@gmail.com
720 Monroe Street # C202
Hoboken, NJ 07030
201.222.1014 paul@puppetheap.com
A Couple of Puppets
PO Box 327
Sag Harbor, NY 11963
631.276.1014 acoupleofpuppets@gmail.com
Chinese Theatre Works Inc
3718 Northern Blvd #105
Long Island City, NY 11101
718.457.1627 chinesetheatreworks@gmail.com
Dawn Jordan String Theatre
44 Capitol St
Auburn, NY 13021
315.406.7357 muralsbydawn@gmail.com
Dreamlike Puppet Company
513 Asharoken Blvd
Bay Shore, NY 11706
631.665.5365 artiepoore@mac.com
Goat On A Boat Inc
PO Box 327
Sag Harbor, NY 11963
631.725.5280 liz@goatonaboat.org
Great Small Works Inc
315 W 86th St #4E
New York, NY 10024
Paper Heart Puppets
171 College Ave #35
Arlington, NY 12603
no website listed now
615.495.1549 brad@paperheartpuppets.com
Playlab NYC
2053 18th St #3C
Astoria, NY 11105
646.238.5520 playlabnyc@gmail.com
Pleiades Puppets
243 78th St #5E
Brooklyn, NY 11209
718.748.9435 pleiades.puppets@gmail.com
Promote Art Works Inc
123 Smith St
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Pupphitz Puppets
744 S Aurora St
Ithaca, NY 14850
267.626.8643 PuppHitz@gmail.com
The Guild of Thespian Puppets
3896 Fountain St
Clinton, NY 13323
202.465.0655 mike@ilionfilmcompany.com
The Jim Henson Foundation
37 – 18 Northern Blvd #400
Long Island City, NY 11101
212.439.7504 z@hensonfoundation.org
The Puppet Project
155 W 71st St #6G
New York, NY 10023
no website listed now
The Stringpullers
950 Danby Rd, Ste 32-E
Ithaca, NY 14850
TheatreMoves Inc
275 E 7th St #4
New York, NY 10009
Astoria, NY 11105
860.575.1447 z@wondersparkpuppets.com
Puppet Show Inc.
207 Oak Park Dr
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
919.599.4604 kathie.guild@gmail.com
Red Herring Puppets
130 Lynn Cove Road
Asheville, NC 28804-1911
828.252.1692 lisa@redherringpuppets.com
Great Lakes National Puppet Theater
1427 Gordon Road
Lyndhurst, OH 44124
440.413.3580 info@greatlakespuppets.com
Oregon Shadow Theatre
2015 NE 54th Ave
Portland, OR 97213
503.282.2165 mike@oregonsadowtheatre.com
The Imagination Machine
6249 SW Timber Ridge Dr
Corvallis, OR 97333
no website listed now
Middle-Earth Studios #1
2264 Rte 737
Stony Run, PA 19529
610.756.4234 middleearth@pipeline.com
Monkey Boys Productions
827 Glenside Ave #101
Wyncote, PA 19095
215.738.6923 puppets@monkeyboysproductions.com
Columbia Marionette Theatre
401 Laurel St
Columbia, SC 29201
803.252.7366 puppetgnomes@msn.com
Artistree, Inc / Wood & Strings Puppet Theater
904 Shady Circle
Centerville, TN 37033
931.729.9911 clarissa@woodandstrings.net
Wishing Chair Productions Nashville Public Library Children’s Dept., 2nd Floor
615 Church St
Nashville, TN 37219
615.862.5785 brianimate@aol.com
The Sock Theater
1206 Cumberland Dr
Keller, TX 76248
214.205.6853 thesocktheater@gmail.com
423 Mountain View Rd
East Hardwick, VT 05836
no website listed now
802.472.8987 justinleolander@gmail.com
Barefoot Puppet Theatre
1811 Maple Shade Ln
Richmond, VA 23227-4318
804.358.3377 director@barefootpuppets.com
Fuzz And Stuffing Puppets
124 D View Ave
Norfolk, VA 23503
757.480.2991 ctadams@juno.com
Thistle Theatre
6344 NE 74th Street Suite 103
Seattle, WA 98115
206.524.3388 jme@bigplanet.com
Pointless Theatre
PO Box 43033
Washington, DC 20010
202.733.6321 david@pointlesstheatre.com
Little Puppet Company
7115 22nd Ave
Kenosha, WI 53143
262.909.2409 handfullofstars@gmail.com
Théatre De L’Oeil
7780 Avenue Henri-Julien
Montreal, QC H2R 2B7