Open Eye Figure Theatre “Faust”
- UNIMA-USA – In 1966, with more than one hundred members of UNIMA in the United States, UNIMA-USA was formed with Jim Henson as its first chairman. The organization’s mission is to link puppeteers nationally and internationally, publish information on and for the field, offer support and technical assistance for professional puppeteers through seminars, conferences, and symposia; stimulate the general public’s interest in the art of puppetry; and promote the visibility of American puppeteers all over the world.
- Jim Henson Foundation – Since 1982, the Jim Henson Foundation has made over 600 grants for the development of new works of contemporary American puppet theater. Each year the number of applicants and the scope of their artistic vision continues to grow. We are proud to support the extraordinary work of so many fine artists.
- The O’Neill National Puppetry Conference – For eight days each summer, puppet artists have the opportunity to explore various performance styles through workshops and rehearsals, master classes, and individual critique sessions. The Conference culminates with two public performances, featuring works which explore the extraordinary range and power of the puppet.
- The Center for Puppetry Arts – The Center for Puppetry Arts is a unique cultural treasure – a magical place where children and adults are educated, enlightened and entertained. Since 1978, the Center has introduced millions of visitors to the wonder and art of puppetry and has touched the lives of many through enchanting performances, curriculum-based workshops and the hands-on Museum, as well as Distance Learning and Outreach Programs.
- Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry – The Ballard Museum is open to the public Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 12 noon to 5 p.m., or by appointment.
- Fellowship of Christian Puppeteers – Fellowship of Christian Puppeteers is composed of creative artists who have a desire to network with other Christian artists.
- UNIMA – (UNion Internationale de la MArionnette) is the oldest international theatre organization in the world, founded in 1929. The organization’s mission is to promote international understanding and friendship through the art of puppetry without distinction as to race, political ideas, or religion.
- Institut International de la Marionnette – The International Institute of Puppetry is a training center, creation and research . It is designed as both a space of thoughts related to contemporary art and as a conservatory dedicated to the history and expertise of an art born of tradition.
- Puppeteers UK (United Kingdom) – Home of Puppets Online puppeteers directory and events listings puppetry organisations puppetry news.
- Ontario Puppetry Association – The OPA is a non-profit corporation which supports the work of puppeteers of all styles and at all levels of expertise.
- Association Québécoise des Marionnettistes (Association of Quebec) – Founded in 1981, the AQM was born from the will of the puppeteers to set up an organization dedicated to the recognition and development of puppetry in Quebec. AQM site offers you the opportunity to learn about this art as practiced in Quebec. You can find companies and individuals who are members of the association and consult some articles in the newsletter of the AQM. Your comments are welcome.
- The International Shadow Theatre Centre – The premier organization in the world dedicated to the art of contemporary shadow theatre. In addition to producing a triennial festival, The International Shadow Theatre Festival, in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany, the centre has an extensive library of material on shadow theatre and has published three volumes of scholarship on the form.
- E-Mail Discussion List: Puptcrit is an independent list serve. Subcribers discuss many aspects of puppetry. All posts on puptcrit are in an archive listed by month and year. Go to Puptcript Archives to read about topics under discussion. Posts for July 2002 are listed as pupcrit.0207, for August 2002 puptcrit 0208 and so on. Click on the month and you will see all the subject lines for the month.
- The Puppetry Home Page: The Puppetry Home Page is webmastered by Rose Sage and is one of the best for on-line puppetry resources.
- Puppetring.com – Puppetring is an online puppetry magazine published in 3 languages: English, Spanish, and Catalan (the language of Barcelona). The first issue was March 2012. The editor is Cesc Martinez of Barcelona.
- Animations Online – Animations is a quarterly online magazine run by the Puppet Centre Trust. It is a voice for contemporary puppetry and related arts, offering discussion and debate, reviews, and news from the puppet community and elsewhere. It’s an essential read for anyone interested in puppetry in all its diverse manifestations. Animations Online aims to represent the full spectrum of professional practice, from traditional puppetry to experimental visual theatre using puppetry or animation.
- Portal des Arts de la Marionette – A project of Institut International de la Marionnette, this web portal gives access to collections from museums and from archives and libraries as well as theatre and festival programs, shows from companies at different stages of their production, publications by puppetry associations etc. One of the most comprehensive online resources for puppetry in the world.
- Smithsonian: Puppetry in America – The National Museum of American History, part of the Smithsonian, has explored the history of puppets on stage and in radio, film and television through their “Puppetry in America” exhibit and website.