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July 18 – 22, 2017
Concordia University, St. Paul, Minnesota
Puppet Festivals are ideas made real. Imagination brought to life. Creativity shared. Bonds made and friendships forged. You will be changed and your puppetry will grow.
The National Puppetry Festival 2017 brings together nearly 400 puppet artists of all kinds, from all disciplines, from all over the country and around the world for outstanding workshops, performances, exhibits and people.
Puppeteers will gather to hone their skills and practice their art. The 2017 workshop program has an emphasis on the advanced professional, while also providing a wide variety of rigorous learning opportunities for the beginning and intermediate puppeteer. Intensive workshops will focus on hands-on creation and physical skill development, as well as lively, interactive discussions, lectures and demonstrations.
The Professional Day for the Teaching Artist and Therapist (PDTAT) is also planned for Tuesday July 18th with related workshops continuing into the festival week
The nation’s leading puppet artists will offer more than 60 distinctive performances (many open to the public) showcasing Traditional, Global, Alternative, Outrageous, Political and Unusual Art that challenge notions about the Puppet.
In addition, Festival 2017 will feature the National Puppet Slam, the Reel Puppetry Film Festival and the celebration of Puppeteers of America’s 80th Birthday with pageantry and busking on the quad! Need more be said? Of course, there’s more!
2017 National Puppetry Festival General Schedule
MONDAY July 17, 2017
All day: Intensive workshops
Evening program for PDTAT arrivals
Public performance 7 pm
Ashes – Plexus Polaire, Norway-France
TUESDAY July 18, 2017
All day: Intensive workshops
Professional Day for Teaching Artists and Therapists (PDTAT)
*General check-in for festival Noon – 5 pm *
Afternoon opening show: 5 pm
Group 1:
Ashes – Plexus Polaire, Norway-France
Dinner 5:30 pm to 7 pm
Evening: 7 pm
Opening Welcome Program
Evening opening show: 9 pm
Group 2 show:
Ashes – Plexus Polaire, Norway-France
Late night:
Opening Mixer
“Gizmo Track” mixer
(Meals Wednesday through Sun breakfast: Breakfast 7-8:30 a.m., Lunch 11:30-1 p.m., Dinner 5:30- 7 p.m.)
WEDNESDAY July 19, 2017
Puppetry Store: 8:30am – 6:30pm
Morning: 8:30am – 12:00pm
Critical Exchange
Reel Puppetry
Afternoon shows: twice each, 1:00pm & 3:00pm
- Reel Puppetry
- If My Feet Have Lost the Ground – Torry Bend
- Lollipops for Breakfast – The Gottabees
- Crankie Storytelling – Katherine Fahey and Valeska Maria Populoh
Puppeteers of America Regional Meetings, 4:30pm
Evening shows: twice each, 7:00pm & 9:30pm
- The Story of Crowboy – In the Heart of the Beast Theatre
- UBU the King – Rough House
Late night:
National Puppet Slam
Puppetry Store: 8:30am-6:30pm
Morning: 8:30am – 12:00pm
Critical Exchange
Reel Puppetry
Afternoon shows: twice each, 1:00pm & 3:00pm
- The Stinky Cheese Man – Mesner Puppet Theater
- The Nightingale – Company Teatro El Arca
- The Ugly Duckling – Teatro de las Estaciones
- Puppets in the Hispanic Caribbean – A Manuel Moran Film
UNIMA-USA General Meeting, 4:30pm
Evening shows: twice each, 7:00pm & 9:30pm
- Paper Cuts – Yael Rasooly, Isreal
- Zen Shorts – Rogue Artists Ensemble
Late night:
UNIMA Day Party
FRIDAY July 21, 2017
Puppetry Store: 8:30am-6:30pm
Morning: 8:30am – 12:00pm
Critical Exchange
Reel Puppetry
Afternoon shows: twice each, 1:00pm & 3:00pm
- When I Put on Your Glove – Sandglass Theater, 1:00pm & 3:30pm this show only
- Lollipops for Breakfast – The Gottabees
- Cardboard Explosion! – Puppet Showplace Theater
- Reel Puppetry
Puppeteers of America General Meeting, 4:30pm
Evening shows: twice each, 7:00pm & 9:30pm
- Unfolding – Margarita Blush
- Reel Puppetry
Late night:
SATURDAY July 22, 2017
Puppetry Store: 8:30am-5:30pm
Morning: 8:30am – 12:00pm
Critical Exchange
Reel Puppetry
11 am Public Performance (ticketed): The Stinky Cheese Man – Mesner Puppet Theater
Afternoon BIRTHDAY PARTY outdoor shows: 12-noon – 5:00pm
- Punch and Judy, Mousetrap Puppets
- Punch and Judy, Parasol Puppets
- Molly and the Magic Boot, Open Eye Figure Theatre
- Local entertainers
1:30 and 3 pm Public Performances (ticketed)
- Katherine Fahey and Valeska Maria Populoh-Shadow Crankies
4:00-4:30 pm Closing Party Puppet Parade
Traffle: 5:00pm
Evening shows: twice each, 7:00pm & 9:30pm
- Hansel and Gretel – National Marionette Theatre
- Tides – Company Gare Centrale
Late night:
PofA Festival Closing Party
SUNDAY July 23, 2017
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