One of the key tenets of Puppeteers of America is to foster and support community. Because of social distancing measures necessary due to COVID-19, many in our community have lost work doing what we love — performing, teaching, and sharing the art of puppetry in all its forms. To that end, Puppeteers of America, in partnership with UNIMA-USA, announces a new initiative: a Direct Relief Fund for Puppet Artists. This fund began with seed money from Cheryl Henson and Heather Henson specifically for this purpose, with the hope it can be sustained with merchandise purchases and support from ongoing donations.
Who is eligible?
People who are members of PofA or UNIMA-USA (or have been within the last year) that have documented losses of a minimum of $500 of work in the puppetry field due to COVID-19. Additionally, applicants must have a bank account in the United States. Members of the Board of PofA and the Fund Committee may not apply.
How does it work?
One-time grants of $500 will be distributed on a first-come, first-served, rolling basis. When the fund is depleted, qualified applicants will be placed on a waiting list and served if/as additional funds become available.
Who put this together?
The Fund Committee includes representatives from Puppeteers of America, UNIMA-USA, and IBEX Puppetry. We are Dustin Curtis, Alex U. Griffin, Paul Robinson, Jessica Simon, and Chad Williams.
How can I help?
Make a donation to the fund and spread the word! Please share this information with anyone you know may be eligible to apply.
[su_button url=”” style=”flat” background=”#0099cc” size=”15″ radius=”5″ text_shadow=”1px 1px 2px #000000″]Support the Direct Relief Fund[/su_button] [su_button url=”″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#0099cc” size=”15″ radius=”5″ text_shadow=”1px 1px 2px #000000″]Apply for the Direct Relief Fund[/su_button]
Thank You!
The Direct Relief Fund began with seed contributions from Cheryl Henson and Heather Henson and has continued to grow through generous donations from the Marc Dunworth Foundation for the Performing Arts, the Dragon Con Fund of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, UNIMA-USA, and numerous individuals. Thank you all for supporting community by either your donations or merchandise purchases! Thank you!
[su_row][su_column size=”1/3″]
Eva Adderley
Robert Amico
Pam Arciero
Lee Armstrong – Images in Motion Media, Inc.
Alexandra Ashworth
Grant Baciocco – Under The Puppet
Paula Bacolini
Kendall Bailey
Jennifer Bain
Kerry Sue Bartelt
Aretta Baumgartner
Sara Begley
Johan Beyerly
Taylor Bibat
Michael & Lauren Bird
Laura Bonar
Kori Bormann
Amy Boyle Johnston
Pat Brady
Jamie Bressler
James Brooks
Beau Brown
Brian Brown – BSB3 Photography
Heather Caplap
Cheryl Cappezuti
John Carter
Tanya Cefalu
Frances Cheng
Shu-Yun Cheng
Yuk Yee Cheung
Jenni Cockrell
Trudi Cohen – Great Small Works
Connecticut Guild of Puppetry
Ruth Coppersmith
Marc Considine
Juliana Cope – International Studio & Curatorial Program – on behalf of Deborah Hertzberg
Pamela Corcoran – Corcoran Puppets
Michael Courville – Open Mind Consulting
Kimberly Cox
Dustin Curtis
Rob Cutler – UConn
Kathleen David – No Strings Attached
Brett DeBruyn
Emily Decola
Houstoun Demere
Katrina Denney
Paula Drammeh-Davis
Justin DuPont
Nancy Engen-Wedin
Jean Enticknap
Madeline Esterhammer-Fic
Laurie Everitt
Steven Faddis
Jefferson Fietek
Michelle Finston
Kuang-Yu Fong – Chinese Theatre Works
Sarah Fornace
Oliver Frates
Sally Friedman
Ora Fruchter
Sheila Garg
Cameron Garrity
Rachel Gibas
Jennifer Giddens
Deborah Glassbert
Kindred Gottlieb
Jean Goul
Green Feather Foundation, Inc.
Alex U. Griffin
Art Grueneberger – Puppet Art Theater Co.
Andrew Grunzke
Scott Gryder
Cheryl Hadley
Elizabeth Hara
Christopher Harris
Lisa Haslbauer
[su_column size=”1/3″]
Kristin Haverty
Kate Heim
Dennis Hembree
Camilla Henneman
Lila Henry
Keely Herrick
Doris Hicks
Jonathon Holt
Danny Housley
Philip Huber – The Huber Marionettes
Kurt & Kathy Hunter
Rachel Jackson
Alyssa James
Lynn Jeffries
Anne Johnson
Bryan Jones
Emily Jones
Liz Joyce
Patricia Judd – Beyond Storytelling
Stephen Kaplin – Chinese Theatre Works, Great Small Works
Martin Kettling
Tae Yeon Kim
Tim Knowlton
Karen Konnerth
Jonathan Korfhage
Diane Koszarski – Pink Flamingo Puppets
Adam Kreutinger
Amy Lancaster
Rebekah Lane
Robert Lane – Columbia Marionette Theatre
Louise Lapointe
Monica Leo-Jenks – Eulenspiegel Puppet Theatre
Bobby LePire
Mark Lerman
Steven Lewis
Lauren Little
Kari Love
Katherine Luck
Robbie Lueth
Margaret MacLellan
Kimi Maeda
Adriana Manfredi
Anatar Marmol-Gagné
Ken Martinson
Shari Matthews
Christine Meiss
Valerie Meiss
Ann Mesritz Gronvold
Judd Millman
Troy Moon
Kenya Morgan
Wendy Morton
Stephen Mullinax
Charlotte Murphy
Roxanna Myhrum
Mary Nagler
Pamela Nelson
Paula Neuhaus
Laurie Nickerson
Sarah Nolen
Aiven O’Leary
Evan O’Sullivan – O’Television Productions
Ian Olson
Sibl Omalley
Claudia Orenstein
Shade Oyemakinwa
James Packard
Scott Pakudaitis
Christine Papalexis
[su_column size=”1/3″]
Donald Parkes
Helena Pennington
Melissa Perenson
Bob Petrucci
Ferginho Philippee-Auguste
Stephanie Phillips
Charles Pillsbury
Quinn Presgraves
Rachel Reeves
John Regan
Thomas Regan
Cheryl Revkin
Nancy Riggs
Kiera Robbins
Linda Roberts
Michael Robertson
Amy Robinson
Rachel Roccoberton
Nancy Rodrigues
Suzanne Roen
Karri Roper – Columbia Marionette Theatre
Alisa Rosenthal
Brenna Ross
Julie Ross
Alexis Rudd
Matt Sandbank – Matt Sandbank’s Shadow Factory
Jane Schindler
Colette Searls
Mark Segal
Pam Severns
Sarah Sherburn-Zimmer
Jessica Simon
Johanna Smith
Nancy Smith – Great Arizona Puppets
Pix Smith
Scott Smith
Carol Sterling – School Art league
Alissa Stoessel
Ryan Sullivan
Remington Swales
John Tartaglia – John Tartaglia Productions
Roger & Jane Thomas – Rascalion Productions
Sarah Thomas
Peggy Tollefson
Kaitlin Tredway
Carol Trobe
Lyssa Troemel
Allan Trautman
Gretchen Van Lente
Anna Vargas
J Gregor Veneklasen
Michael Vetere III
Mobi Warren
Nadra Wass
Natalie Wass
Caroline Wendt
Amy West
Kevin White – nycstringpuller
Katy Williams
Linda Wingerter
Jim Witoszynski
Gregg Wright
Chole Ziner
Jonathan Zucker