Today, Monday October 14, George Latshaw would have been 90 years old. Puppeteers of America wishes a happy birthday to George. In 1949 George Latshaw was the founding editor of Puppetry Journal. He served as PofA president in 1950. In 1953 he performed the lead puppet in the MGM film Lili, staring Leslie Caron. In […]
Happy Birthday Burr Tillstrom
In honor of Burr Tillstrom’s birthday we are posting an article written by Steve Abrams for the Encyclopedia Mondiale des Arts De La Marionnette, (World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts) UNIMA, 2009. Burr Tillstrom (Chicago, Illinois, 1917- Palm Springs, California 1985) Burr Tillstrom was the first puppeteer to reach millions of American television viewers with shows that […]
Puppeteer Norbert Bucholz celebrates 100th birthday
Former Brooklyn puppeteer Norbert Buchholz, who now lives in Southern Florida recently celebrated his 100th birthday. Happy Birthday Norbert! via