The Trading Post Ep.5 : Chris Godziuk ” The Puppeteer” from SHOT BY JFK on Vimeo. A lovely video interview with Marionette performer Chris Godzuik of Panadream Theatre of Montreal, Canada.
Old Trout Puppet Workshops newest production – Ignorance
Old Trout Puppet Workshop of Canada will be premiering their newest production “Ignorance” on Tuesday February 28, 2012. From Old Trout’s Website: Ignorance is a puppet documentary about the evolution of happiness – from the thick-blooded hearts of the ancient caves, to the ethereal heaven of our light-speed future – it’s about where we all went wrong, […]
Canadian Review of David Soll’s Documentary “Puppet”
David Soll’s documentary “Puppet” recently received a nice review in a Toronto newspaper, The Globe and Mail. Read the article here.
Ronnie Burkett’s newest show – Penny Plain Acclaimed Canadian performer and PofA member Ronnie Burkett talks about his newest show Penny Plain running currently at the Factory Theater in Toronto.