“Five centuries of Neapolitan puppets melt together to give birth to the work of our Company: the timbering of puppets finely carved in walnut-wood and cherry-tree wood, the precise handling of the puppet-show, the use of “PIVETTA” and the movement’s fine art make the shows of Gaspare Nasuto (one of the most important authors and […]
Punch’s Birthday
Happy 350th Birhday Mr Punch! Born May 9. 1662.
Minkie & Alligator go to Portland, OR
For those of you familiar with Liz Joyce and Goat on a Boat Puppet Theatre of Sag Harbor, NY – you know about Minkie the Monkey and his faithful friend Alligator. Minkie is going on a trip, and you’re invited to come along. You can follow Minkie’s journey by subscribing on their YouTube page. […]
Puppet Show – Luna Park, Paris
Photo – Circa 1910 “In the popular region of Porte Maillot, in Summer, Luna-Park is one of the most frequented pleasure-sports in Paris. All sorts of diversion are offered to visitors, from switback and toboggan to dancing.” – early 1900’s leaflet Learn more about Paris’ Luna Park, and check out some more lovely photos here.
Hand Puppets of Southern Italy, photos by Michael Early
From Michael Early’s Google Plus page: “In Southern Italy the puppet show is alive and going strong. Year round they have outside puppet shows that are as fun at christmas when you are bundled up with hot chocolate as it is in June when you have snow cones and belly laughs so hard it hurts. […]