Check out this article to read about R. Kuppuswamy’s life as a puppeteer in India, and the changing face of this art form.
India Puppet Show to promote environmental awareness
“Social group organised a puppet show in northern India to promote environmental awareness.” – check out the entire article here:
Bil Baird article in Time Life Magazine, beautiful slideshow
In 1963 Life Magazine published a wonderful article about American puppeteer icon Bil Baird. Portions of the article are printed online and can be see here, and be sure to check out the beautiful slide show of black and white images of Bil’s tour throughout India in 1962.
Dadi Pudumjee Shares His Thoughts on Puppetry Today
Check out this interesting article at about Dadi Pudumjee, founder of the Ishara Puppet Theatre. “A traditional puppeteer tries to make something new and there’s always someone, godfather or godmother of that group, who says, “No, you are now ruining the tradition”. Why shouldn’t two parallel types exist together? Leave the puppeteer to try […]