Check out this great blog entry taking you step by step on how to build this lovely home puppet stage out of an upcycled entertainment center.
Kermit’s Green Apples with Peanut Butter Dip
Check out this great blog article at Disney and learn how to make this fun and tasty treat at home. 🙂
We’re Puppeteers – The Little Angel Theatre, London
“We’re Puppeteers!”-Nick Jr.-Ep6-“Pirate Chicken” from LRG Media/David Wachs on Vimeo. Check out this video, part of a series of shorts for Nickleodeon in the UK – featuring The Little Angel Theatre in London!
Puppets help Children of Inmates
CantonRep. com of Ohio published a great article the other day “Puppets help children deal with tough issue of having a parent in prison”. It’s a very interesting read. Check it out at
Finger Plays For Optimum Brain Development In The Young Child
In 2004 Amy Wallace and Larisa Mishina presented their thesis, “Relations between the Use of Puppetry in the Classroom, Student Attention and Student Involvement.” The thesis highlighted the benefits of puppetry in the classroom, including such benefits as increased attention span and higher retention of information. Since then, very little has been researched on puppetry […]