Lady Godiva Awakes at London Olympics
A huge puppet version of Lady Godiva is to begin its journey from Coventry to London as part of the cultural celebrations for the Olympics. Read more here at BBC.co.uk
NY Times article on Handspring Puppet Company’s Newest Production
Click here to read the NY Times article all about Handspring newest work “Crow”.
We’re Puppeteers – The Little Angel Theatre, London
“We’re Puppeteers!”-Nick Jr.-Ep6-“Pirate Chicken” from LRG Media/David Wachs on Vimeo. Check out this video, part of a series of shorts for Nickleodeon in the UK – featuring The Little Angel Theatre in London!
Lady Godiva – Pedel Powered
If you’ve been following our daily puppet news here, you may recall our blog entry on January 2nd about the giant Royal Deluxe-ish Lady Godiva puppet that is currently being created for the opening of the 2012 olympics in London. The news of today is that she will be powered by 100 cyclists on a […]