You can check out the article here at
Great Arizona Puppet Theater
Puppeteers of America Company Member Great Arizona Puppet Theater had a lovely article posted recently on You can check it out here:
Minkie & Alligator go to Portland, OR
For those of you familiar with Liz Joyce and Goat on a Boat Puppet Theatre of Sag Harbor, NY – you know about Minkie the Monkey and his faithful friend Alligator. Minkie is going on a trip, and you’re invited to come along. You can follow Minkie’s journey by subscribing on their YouTube page. […]
Elections – Puppeteers of America
You should be receiving a ballot in your mailbox for our annual Puppeteers of America elections. If you are a current member, and do not receive anything, please be in touch with our membership chair, Fred Thompson, at membership[at] Your opinion counts, please be sure to send in your ballot today.
Interview with Michael Sommers of Open Eye Figure Theatre of Minnesota
A in-depth interview with Michael Sommers of Open Eye Figure Theatre. You can read the whole thing here, at