Check out the official Facebook Page for “A Puppet Homecoming” for the most up-to-date news and information about the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regional Festival happening September 7-9, 2012.
Regional Festival – Great Plains Puppet Train
September 20-23, 2012 in West Liberty Iowa, the Great Plains Regional Festival is currently accepting applications for performances and workshops. To learn about this and more, visit their website:
Howe to do Puppets – Great Lakes Regional Fesival
There are a number of regional festivals happening across the country this Summer and Fall. The one coming up the soonest is the Great Lakes Regional – “Howe to do Puppets” which will be held June 27-30 in Howe, Indiana. For the latest information, visit their page on
Puppet Homecoming – Workshop Proposals Now Being Accepted
This Fall the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions are banding together to host “A Puppet Homecoming” for their bi-annual regional puppetry festival. September 7-9, 2012 Today we just got news in that they are currently accepting workshop proposals. The Workshop Proposal Application can be downloaded here, and is due by May 1, 2012 Be sure to […]
Summer Regional Festivals – Update!
Check out all the current information we have on the lineup for all of the PofA’s Summer and Fall Regional Festivals: June 27-30, 2012 Great Lakes Regional Festival September 7-9, 2012 A Puppet Homecoming! Northeast & MidAtlantic Regional Festival Iroquois Springs Camp Rock Hills, NY E-Blast Update 2/2/12 E-Blast Update 12/10/11 September 13-16, 2012 ~not yet […]