If you’re in Austria anytime soon, be sure to plan a visit to the Austrian Theatre Museum. They have a very nice collection of Richard Teschner’s rod puppets, as well as a collection of shadow puppets that belonged to Heinrich Rudolph Ruprecht. Not going to be in that part of the world? You can see […]
Business Professionals Learn Collaboration Through Puppetry
Opera in Focus – Rolling Meadows, IL
A nice overview about Opera in Focus, a theater in Rolling Meadows, Illinois – a suburb of Chicago – that has been specializing in creating puppet opera dinner theater for almost 20 years.
Rare footage of Richard Teshner performing
CAUGHT BY THE CAMERA NO. 70 About :54 seconds into the above clip you can see some rare footage of Richard Teshner performing his puppets on a trip to England. You can read a bit more about Richard’s puppetry influence’s at Mary Robinette Kowal’s blog.