Take a moment to check out these amazing shadow sculptures created from all types of trash and recycled pieces of tin, paper, glass, and plastic. Check out some of the amazing images and accompanying sculptures at: thisismarvelous.com
Happy Friday
Songs from Yellow Earth, as seen at the 21st UNIMA World Congress and Puppetry Festival
Chinese Theater Works, and Peter Schumann with Bread and Puppet Theater join forces to perform “Songs from Yellow Earth” at the 21st UNIMA Congress and World Puppetry Festival in Chengdu, China. Below are excerpts from this performance. Thank you to puppetrynews on YouTube for posting this video.
Shadow Puppets Salvaged from Cultural Revolution
Check out this article from timescolonist.com about Beijing Shadow Play Troupe. http://www.timescolonist.com/travel/Shadow+puppets+salvaged+from+Cultural+Revolution/6706760/story.html
Stories from the Ground, Shadow Puppetry
Check out this blog for a lovely review and collection of videos and stills from “Stories from the Ground”. http://blog.piajanebijkerk.com/WordPress/2009/12/04/inspiration-abounds-the-stories-from-the-ground-shadow-puppetry/